Abi Frazier (She/Her)

Bereaved Parent / TFMR Support Group Facilitator

1) Describe briefly how you got involved with Empty Arms.

I joined the Empty Arms community virtually from Oklahoma, after we ended our very wanted pregnancy in the spring of 2021. The Empty Arms TFMR group and the Subsequent Choices group were both a lifeline and a refuge as we navigated our loss and then pregnancy after TFMR.

2) What makes you most proud of the work we do/What do you like most about Empty Arms?

I am thankful to continue to be involved as a facilitator for folks who are navigating these difficult losses. The Empty Arms community is a special group, a place where the painful reality of all losses are held and honored.

3) Share a passion in your life and/or work outside of EABS.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time outdoors, walking, hiking, eating, with my family and friends. I used to be an avid runner and plan to resume that hobby but for now I am enjoying weight lifting and building on my strength.

Abi is located in Colorado Springs, CO.