Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Empty Arms offers bi-annual in-person, hybrid, and remote bereavement trainings open to all professionals.

  • VIRTUAL Accompanying Parents When a Baby Dies: Caring for the Family while Caring for Yourself

    Tuesday, 10/8/24, 6:30-9:00 PM EST

    This abbreviated session is an essential annual course for those who care for parents at the bedside when a baby dies. Perfect for nurses, doulas, doctors and midwives who are there when a family learns of a baby's death, and who must then coach them through the process of delivery, time together, and saying goodbye.

    *Credits avail. for nurses

  • HYBRID Pregnancy and Infant Loss Training for Clinicians

    Thursday, 10/10/24, 8:30-10:30 AM EST

    This session is a candid exposure to the realities of what pregnancy and infant loss can be like for parents, what the normal trajectory of grief and healing looks like, and the language and strategies that help and hurt.

    *Credits avail. for social workers 

  • Two-Part Hybrid Bereavement Training for Doulas

    Part 1: Tuesday 10/22 from 7-9PM EST

    Part 2: Tuesday 10/29 from 7-9PM EST

    As a Doula, your ability to support families through pregnancy and infant loss is life-changing, significantly impacting their decision-making, resilience, and long-term well-being. Carol McMurrich will share invaluable insights on the critical role of compassionate care in perinatal bereavement for doulas.

Visit our Testimonials page to hear what professionals thought of their Empty Arms training.

*Empty Arms Bereavement Support is approved by American Nurses Association of Massachusetts, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Nurses who attend and participate in the entire course will be awarded the pertaining amount of contact hours.

*Empty Arms Bereavement Support is approved by the National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts chapter. Social workers who attend and participate in the entire course will be awarded credits through NASWMA.