Contact Us
As a community-based organization, Empty Arms prioritizes families living in Massachusetts. If you live outside of the Massachusetts area and are seeking support, we will likely try to find someone in your local community who can help you. Our TFMR, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC support groups are open to participants regardless of location. Our Trying for Another Baby Support Group is open to participants in MA, VT, and ME. You can find online support here and locate in-person support groups across the country here.
Empty Arms supports people through loss in 3 distinct ways:
1) By providing support to parents at the time of their loss and following their loss through our hospital peer companion programs, our monthly virtual support groups, and individual support via text/call/email
2) By providing programs and resources for parents and their families as they learn to live in the wake of loss
3) By providing education and support to the professionals who work with grieving families