Erin Hatch (She/Her)

Bereaved Mama / Trying for Another Baby Support Group Facilitator & President of Empty Arms of Greater Bangor

1) Describe briefly how you got involved with Empty Arms.

I joined the Empty Arms Bangor (in Maine) support group in April of 2015 after the 20 week loss of my twin boys. I was devastated and in the midst of deep grief, I just needed to find a group of people who understood how I was feeling. The peer support group helped me through subsequent miscarriages, fertility treatments and IVF, adoption and successful pregnancy after loss. In the last 9 years, I have transitioned from attending the group for support for myself to attending groups as the facilitator and offering support to others. I have been lucky enough to partner with other organizations and help lead the TTC support group with Empty Arms Bereavement and Empty Arms Vermont.

2) What makes you most proud of the work we do/What do you like most about Empty Arms?

I am so proud that I have been able to take my experience with grief and loss and use that experience to support other families through similar devastation.  I love to be able to offer hope, and show others that they aren't alone, and it is possible to be happy again after such a difficult time.

3) Share a passion in your life and/or work outside of EABS.

I am a pediatric occupational therapist in my full-time work life, and I absolutely have a passion for supporting children through development to help them be as successful as possible in their lives. I am also the proud president of another small non-profit to support families and individuals with Down syndrome; Eastern Maine Down Syndrome Support.