Hannah Karpman (She/Her)

Bereaved Parent / LGBTQ+ Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group Facilitator

1) Describe briefly how you got involved with Empty Arms.

My partner and I experienced a pregnancy loss in 2011. We attended an Empty Arms group to help process this loss. We found this group incredibly supportive in our journey.

2) What makes you most proud of the work we do/What do you like most about Empty Arms?

I am constantly impressed with the work done by Empty Arms. This organization feels a need that is currently not met by any other organization. Not only does Empty Arms provide the services to families it does, but it helps grow a group of individuals prepared to support others through this process.

3) Share a passion in your life and/or work outside of EABS.

I am a child and family mental health researcher and passionate about children and families having access to quality care when necessary.   

Hannah is located in Florence, MA and works as a therapist.