Resources for Black, Indigenous, and

People of Color (BIPOC)

We know that losing a baby is an isolating and devastating experience for everyone, and that each and every person faces their own unique challenges. We also recognize that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) often face additional hardships due to ongoing, systemic oppression and medical mistreatment, which contributes to increased rates of pregnancy and infant loss. When these harsh realities coincide with difficulty conceiving / infertility, it can be an especially challenging experience. Connecting with other parents of color who have suffered loss can be supportive while processing your grief.

If you’re seeking one-on-one support:

You can check out our Individual Support page.

If you’d like to join a support group:

Read more about our BIPOC Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group, which is a compassionate, inclusive space where you can connect with others who understand what you are going through. Everyone grieves differently, and all emotions are welcome here.

Please note that our POC Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group is open to nationwide participants, as well as our TFMR Support Group and LGBTQ+ Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group, however our other groups are closed to MA residents (with the exception of our Trying for Another Baby group, open to residents of MA, ME, and VT). You can read more about our other support groups here, and other national organizations below that host online support groups.

You can also explore this collection of online stories/resources:

Return to Zero: H.O.P.E - Research and evidence on maternal and infant health disparities for POC, plus educational webinars and resources for support.

Sisters in Loss Podcast and Blog - “Sisters in Loss is dedicated to replacing silence with storytelling around pregnancy and infant loss and infertility of black women.”

POC Healing after Loss Facebook group

Postpartum Support International Black Moms in Loss Virtual Support Group

Looking for more support groups? 

We'd like to suggest that you look at these national organizations below that host online support groups. It's possible you might even find an in-person support group in your community, or other bereaved parents in your state who can help you find something that is closer to home.