Susan P. (She/Her)

Bereaved Parent / TFMR Support Group

1) Describe briefly how you got involved with Empty Arms.

I came to Empty Arms after the termination for medical reasons of my son in February of 2022. Although I knew I made the right decision for him and for our family, I struggled to accept the loss and to find support. While my loved ones tried, they couldn't understand the unique pain of choosing to end a very wanted pregnancy or that I was forever changed. When I found Empty Arms, I immediately felt so held and seen in my grief. The monthly groups and peer support became a lifeline for me through my darkest days and are still such an important source of comfort and community to me.

2) What makes you most proud of the work we do/What do you like most about Empty Arms?

I am proud to hold space for that community now as a facilitator and to make room for conversation and support that is free of judgement or attempts to fix what cannot be fixed.

3) Share a passion in your life and/or work outside of EABS.

I feel closest to my baby in my garden, and can usually be found there or spending time with my family when I am not working with Empty Arms or in my day job in academic research.

Susan is located in Marlborough, MA.