Twin Loss (while parenting a surviving twin) Resources

If you’ve suffered the loss of one of your twins during pregnancy, childbirth, or early infancy, you may be experiencing a multitude of conflicting emotions. Perhaps you are deeply grieving the loss of your twin, while feeling hopeful about your surviving twin. You might be eager to feel relieved or grateful that one of your babies survived, yet you’re still deep in grief. For this reason, it’s crucial that you feel connected and supported by a community of folks who know the complexity of your loss. You do not have to walk this path alone.

If you’re seeking one-on-one support:

You can check out our Individual Support page.

If you’d like to join a support group:

Read more about our Twin Loss (while parenting a surviving twin) Support Group which welcomes anyone who has experienced the loss of one twin while parenting their surviving twin. This group environment addresses the unique experience of holding joy and loss simultaneously.

Not local to Massachusetts?

At this time, our TFMR Support groups, our LGBTQ+ Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Groups and our BIPOC Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Groups are the only support groups that include nation-wide participants. 

We'd like to suggest that you look at these national organizations below that host online support groups. It's possible you might even find an in-person support group in your community, or other bereaved parents in your state who can help you find something that is closer to home.